It is our great pleasure to reveal the theme for the 64th ICYPAA in Austin, Texas: “Era Of Change.” Our theme comes from Bill W.’s 1960 talk at the General Service Conference, also found in “Our Great Responsibility,” in the chapter “Era Of Change” (pages 101-113). The following video explains why we chose this theme and how it speaks to our core values as a committee.

“At a time like this, before thinking about today or tomorrow, oldtimers like Lois and me think about the past. I think that a keyword by which you might convey some little part of what has happened might be the word communication, now so much in the forefront of our minds.

When you think about it, A.A. is a unique means of communication: our lives have depended on communication; our unity depends on communication; our function depends on communication.”

“We are in yet an ERA OF CHANGE. Our Twelve Steps probably won’t change; the Traditions, not at all likely. But our manner of communication, our manner of organizing ourselves for function, for service – let us hope that this goes on changing for the better, forever.

We reference the past and its lessons as long as those teachings work. When they don’t work, we adapt and we re-shift. That has been our history. The lessons of the past however are something we ought to preserve.”

Bill W., in his 1960 talk to the General Service Conference

“A.A. in an Era of Change.”

Join us in Austin, Texas for the 64th International Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous taking place July 4-7 2024!

If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to our volunteer chair at or visit the Volunteer page.